Most of the ducks are paired up, double-crested cormorants are at their nests, and red-winged blackbirds are setting up territories. The first example I got some photos of were these tree swallows using one of our artificial nest boxes:
There were several others competing for this attractive condo.
One nest box down the trail, this red-tailed hawk seemed to be a little confused. Not only will she probably not fit inside, she doesn't even nest in cavities.
I also encountered two different nests of one of our earliest breeders, the great-horned owl. This particular bird has taken over a nest that belonged to a Swainson's Hawk last year.
While these birds are already knee deep in the breeding season, others still haven't even returned to their summer ranges yet. These long-billed curlews are staying busy trying to keep fat for their return flight home.
I was able to follow this beaver around for several minutes before he got too busy for me. I snapped a few crummy photos as well as captured a little video.
And here is the video--the first ever video clip posted to Field Notes... This is an historic moment. Sorry if it seems a little Pattersonesque--it's my first try.