One of the good things about doing close ups for me is that plants and leaves don't move around nearly as much as birds or other critters. It makes it a little easier for me to get in close. Unless I happened to spend the previous night closing down the bars. I found a small grove of young cottonwood trees that we planted a few years ago and there were still some leaves hanging on.
cottonwood leaves and creeping wildrye seedhead
I took several photos of this leaf before I realized that it looked like the head of a goldeneye or bufflehead. It even has an eye.
A patch of goldenrod caught my eye nearby as well.
And what would a group of photos be without the obligatory log reflected on water. I call this one: Log Reflected on Water.That's all I got for today. And, I know what you're probably thinking: Yet another blog entry padded by crummy photos with no real substance. If this guy doesn't want to write, why the hell did he start a blog and not just open up a Flickr account? Is Kraft macaroni really the cheesiest? Will I ever be able to recover these three minutes of my life?
Well, to be honest: get off my back, yes, and probably not.
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